I’m a technical game designer and software engineer who loves playing and making 3D action-adventure games and tinkering with dynamic gameplay systems.
This here’s a collection of some game projects I’ve worked on in the past few years, roughly in reverse chronological order.
Designer / Programmer | Unity
Jan 2022
Threw this together in the final 12 hours or so of Global Game Jam Online 2022. The theme was “duality,” and I had the idea of a game like asteroids, where your spaceship is trapped between two dimensions and can be destroyed in either, but the guns can only shoot in a single dimension at a time.
Didn’t have enough time to make it into a proper game, but it was fun to fool around with.
Programmer | Unity
Dec 2020 – Dec 2021
3D fixed camera angle adventure game (like Grim Fandango Remastered) with a heavy focus on atmosphere, lore, and exploration, by Seven Lands Studio.
First pass of scanning system, menu, and dialogue minigame.
Basic custom dialogue system, using the Ink scripting language.
Demo of the camera switches + custom character controller.
Designer / Programmer | Unity | itch page
Jun 2021
Small scene study of the opening bridge area from Way of the Samurai (PS2). I wanted to see if I could capture the feel of it with my own aesthetic spin and using assets I already had access to.
And it’s explorable on the webz!
Click here to see my process for the project.
Designer / Programmer | Unity | itch page | Gitlab repo
Aug – Sep 2020
This started as just a test to see how easily I could make a 3D character controller in Unity that felt really snappy. It turned into a general project for experimenting with any aspect of Unity that I was interested in, from level design to AI to input to UI, while using mostly free assets.
It currently sits on itch as a small (as in 5-10 minutes of gameplay), atmospheric 3D platformer (that’s playable on the WEB, d00d!).
Walljumping took so long to get feeling just right. Super worth it though.
Dialing in post processing and lightmaps.
Working on a drag-and-drop, schedule-following AI (not in the playable version yet).
Technical Director / Lead Programmer | Unity | itch page | Gitlab repo
Aug 2020
A small game about being a normal security guard trying to keep people safe while superheroes are fighting each other and destroying the city. The high concept pitch was “Paul Blart in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”
Since I was one of the only people who had worked with Unity and Git before, I ended up being the go-to person for smoothly implementing everyone’s work into the engine as well as handling all version control conflicts.
I also led the small team of programmers, delegating programming tasks, helping the artists troubleshoot their visual scripting, and making sure all features got implemented in time.
Programmer | Unity | itch page | Gitlab repo
Aug 2020
Small arcadey 2D sidescroller shootemup I made with a tiny team for the Weekly Game Jam – Week 161.
This was my first collaborative game dev project, and considering I was the sole programmer, I’m pretty happy with how the gameplay, enemy spawner, and AI turned out. The designer and I had great rapport, and we communicated clearly through the whole project.
Designer / Programmer | Unity
Aug 2019 – May 2020
Wavepunk in its original form was meant to be a 2D sidescrolling action game. Here’s some art + animation I was experimenting with for it back then:
Experimenting with 2D lighting and particle systems.
That secondary action though.